
Source code:

Blocks menu


It contains the basic blocks:

  • Code: code block. Ports are asked in a prompt dialog.
  • Info: info block. Text box for comments and notes.
  • Input: input block. Block name is asked in a prompt dialog.
  • Output: output block. Block name is asked in a prompt dialog.


Multiple input and output blocks can be created using the comma separator. For example: x, y, z will create 3 blocks with those names. FPGA I/O ports values are set in the block combo box. These values can be set by searching and also unset by doing click on the cross. Double click over input and output blocks allows to modify the block label. In code block ports definition, multiple input and output ports can be created also using the comma separator.

Stored blocks

It contains all stored blocks sorted by categories. These menu is generated when the application starts.


Blocks are stored in app/resources/blocks. To create a new block category just create a directory there. To create a new block copy and paste an .iceb file.


This is the main panel. It contains the blocks and the wires.

Pan & Zoom

Pan is performed using the mouse left button over the background. Zoom is performed using mouse wheel. Both values can be reset in View > Reset view.



Block selection is performed using the mouse right button. Blocks can be selected/unselected individually using right-click/Ctrl+right-click, respectively. In addition, several blocks can be selected by a selection box. Selection is cancelled when the background is clicked.


Blocks examination

Non-basic blocks can be read only examined by double clicking the block using the mouse left button. This is a recursive action. In order to go back, click on < back link.

During the examination, pan, zoom and code navigation are enabled.



The examination path is stored in the breadcrumbs. This allows you to go back to any previous block.

Take snapshot

Taking a png snapshot of the application is as easy as press Ctrl+p. A save dialog appears to set the name and the path of the captured image.